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    Metadom: A Fantasy Novel (Fantasy Metadom) Kindle Edition

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    A Fantasy Novel ( Kindle Edition)

    Parallel Integrity

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    📚 Limited Time Offer: 30% Discount on “Parallel Integrity”! 🌟

    Embark on a transformative journey through the pages of “Parallel Integrity,” a captivating exploration into the delicate balance of personal freedom, success, and the unwavering resilience required to navigate life’s complexities. This thought-provoking guide is a beacon of wisdom, offering philosophical insights, real-world examples, and actionable strategies that beckon readers to embrace a holistic approach to living authentically and achieving genuine fulfillment.

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    Parallel Integrity:

    Navigating the Tapestry of Success and Resilience Kindle Edition

    Parallel Integrity

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  • Lucks in the year of Dragon
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  • 2024年:值年雷火丰卦

    2023 风火家人卦 + 2024年雷火丰卦

    风火家人卦,是《易经》中的第37卦。 它由下卦(离)和上卦(巽)组成。 它象征着一个管理良好的家庭的和谐与秩序,每个成员都有适当的角色和责任,而女人在维持内心的稳定和温暖方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 此卦劝人修身养德,遵守家庭和社会的规范和礼仪。 它还建议一个人应该与他人进行有效和尊重的沟通,并寻求长辈和导师的指导和支持12

    雷火丰卦,是《易经》中的第55卦。 它由下卦(离)和上卦(震)组成。 它象征着繁荣和成功的巅峰,享受着自己努力和成就的果实,拥有强大的影响力和声誉。 此卦告诫人们不可自满、傲慢,要警惕因嫉妒、反对或衰落而可能产生的危险和挑战。 它还建议一个人应该与他人分享自己的财富和智慧,并寻求造福共同利益34

    这两个卦有一些相似之处,也有一些不同之处。 两者的下卦都是火卦,代表光明、清明、热情。 两者也都预示着一种积极吉祥的局面,人们可以享受幸福和满足。 然而,它们也有一些差异。 家卦中的风(巽)代表温柔、灵活、适应性强;丰卦中的雷(震)代表运动、力量、主动。 家卦更注重生活的内在方面,如性格、人际关系、道德等,而丰卦则更注重生活的外在方面,如成就、名誉、财富等。

    风火家人卦, or Wind over Fire: The Family, is the 37th hexagram in the I Ching. It consists of a lower trigram of fire (离) and an upper trigram of wind (巽). It symbolizes the harmony and order of a well-managed family, where each member has a proper role and responsibility, and where the woman plays a vital part in maintaining the inner stability and warmth. The hexagram advises that one should cultivate one’s character and virtues, and follow the norms and etiquette of the family and society. It also suggests that one should communicate effectively and respectfully with others, and seek guidance and support from elders and mentors12

    雷火丰卦, or Thunder over Fire: Abundance, is the 55th hexagram in the I Ching. It consists of a lower trigram of fire (离) and an upper trigram of thunder (震). It symbolizes the peak of prosperity and success, where one enjoys the fruits of one’s efforts and achievements, and where one has a strong influence and reputation. The hexagram warns that one should not be complacent or arrogant, and that one should be aware of the dangers and challenges that may arise from envy, opposition, or decline. It also suggests that one should share one’s wealth and wisdom with others, and seek to benefit the common good34

    These two hexagrams have some similarities and differences. Both of them have the fire trigram (离) as the lower trigram, which represents brightness, clarity, and passion. Both of them also indicate a positive and auspicious situation, where one can enjoy happiness and fulfillment. However, they also have some differences. The upper trigram of wind (巽) in the family hexagram represents gentleness, flexibility, and adaptability, while the upper trigram of thunder (震) in the abundance hexagram represents movement, power, and initiative. The family hexagram focuses more on the inner aspects of life, such as character, relationships, and morals, while the abundance hexagram focuses more on the outer aspects of life, such as achievements, fame, and wealth.

  • How to find a proof for my ideas for rainbow color iMAc I gave Steve Jobs by email?

    I am sure that I send a suggestion to Steve Job for making rainbow color iMAC series by email ( in 1998. I did take it serious after the colorful iMAC came out even now. I just wonder that If possible to find a tread for this ? I think that I used email address is “” at that time. Unfortunately I have already stopped using this email for long. Any idea can I apply to recover my this email account in yahoo.

    my current email:

    The iMac was a revolutionary computer that was introduced by Apple in 1998, and it featured a translucent, candy-colored design that was different from the typical beige boxes of the time. The iMac was also the first product that Steve Jobs launched after he returned to Apple as the CEO in 19971


    According to the web search results, there is no evidence that the idea for the rainbow color iMac came from anyone other than Steve Jobs and his design team, led by Jony Ive. Jobs wanted the iMac to be an appliance that was easy to use and appealing to consumers, and he chose the colors to reflect his personal taste and vision. Ive and his team experimented with different materials and shapes to create the iMac’s distinctive look, and they were inspired by various sources, such as jelly beans, soap bubbles, and even the original Apple logo23

    Therefore, it is unlikely that you gave Steve Jobs the idea for the rainbow color iMac before he announced it in 1998. If you did, you would have to provide some proof, such as a letter, an email, or a patent, that shows that you communicated with him or his team about your idea. Otherwise, it is more plausible that you had a similar idea independently, or that you were influenced by the same trends and influences that inspired Jobs and Ive4

    It’s worth noting that the development of products, especially iconic ones like the colorful iMac series, involves a team of designers, engineers, and executives. While individual suggestions may influence the direction of a company, attributing the entire concept or design to one specific suggestion can be challenging.

    If you believe you made a significant contribution to the idea, you might consider sharing your story on forums, blogs, or social media platforms to connect with others who may have had similar experiences. However, keep in mind that the development of products is often a collaborative effort involving various factors and contributors.

    I am sure that I send a suggestion to Steve Job for making rainbow color iMAC series by email ( in 1998. I did take it serious after the colorful iMAC came out even now. I just wonder that If possible to find a tread for this ? I think that I used email address is “” at that time. Unfortunately I have already stopped using this email for long. Any idea can I apply to recover my this email account in yahoo.

    my current email:
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