Could digital currencies put banks out of business?

The fintech that could bankrupt banks

For the first time you can imagine a modern world without banks. This is due to the emergence of central bank digital currencies and new payment platforms that are changing the way people spend and manage money. Although the impact of CBDC may not be felt immediately, these changes may have profound effects on consumer privacy, government power, and the stability of the entire financial system.

Could digital currencies put banks out of business?

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Decipher the Digital RMB

There are also certain differences between digital renminbi and electronic payment tools: First, the digital renminbi is the country's legal tender and is the asset with the highest security level....

Hashrate Converter

Hashrate Converter
Hashrate Unit Hashrate Hashes per second
1 kH/s 1000 One thousand
1 MH/s 1,000,000 One million
1 GH/s 1,000,000,000 One billion
1 TH/s 1,000,000,000,000 One trillion
1 PH/s One quadrillion
1 EH/s One quintillion
1 ZH/s One sextillion
Hashrate Converter
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