





地山谦: 山所隐藏的大地财富是肉眼看不到的,因为山的深度抵消了山的高度。 因此高低相得益彰,结果是平淡的。 在这里用了很长一段时间才能达到的效果,但最终看起来很容易实现,不言而喻,用作谦虚的形象。


君子在世间建立秩序,也是如此; 他平衡了作为社会不满根源的极端,从而创造了公正和平等的条件。


虚虚实实,实实虚虚,是天道; 当太阳在它的顶峰时,根据天上的规律,它必须转向它的落下,在它的最低点它升起以迎接新的黎明。


人类的命运受制于不可改变的法则。人的行为使他受到仁慈或破坏性力量的影响,人有能力塑造自己的命运。 啟示 一个人身居高位而谦虚谨慎,他就闪耀着智慧之光; 如果他处于卑微的地位而谦虚,他就不能被忽略。 这样君子就可以把他的工作做到底,而不夸耀他的成就。


The Enlightenment of Qian Gua in 2021


This shows that the mountains are hidden below the ground, just like those investors with super talent and noble morality never publicize, always maintain awe of the market, abide by the market rules, adapt to and obey the market, and finally get ” Kyrgyzstan” in return.


Di Shanqian: The wealth of the earth hidden in the mountains is invisible to the naked eye, because the depth of the mountains offsets the height of the mountains. So high and low complement each other, and the result is plain. It took a long time to achieve the effect here, but in the end it seemed very easy to achieve, it goes without saying, used as a humble image.

artistic conception

The same is true for a gentleman to establish order in the world; he balances the extremes that are the source of social dissatisfaction, thereby creating conditions of justice and equality.


The emptiness and the reality, the reality and the emptiness, are the ways of heaven; when the sun is at its peak, according to the laws of the sky, it must turn to its setting, and at its lowest point it will rise to welcome the new dawn.


The destiny of mankind is subject to unalterable laws. Human behavior makes him subject to benevolent or destructive forces, and humans have the ability to shape their own destiny. Enlightenment A person who is in a high position and humble and cautious, he shines with the light of wisdom; if he is in a humble position and humble, he cannot be ignored. This way the gentleman can do his job to the end without boasting about his achievements.

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